I’m going to try to do monthly blog posts this year. Here’s the first – my annual round-up of the best popular music tracks of the year just ended.

You can also check this new list out on Apple Music or Spotify. And, check out the Apoplexy Tiny Letter for a bonus track.
If there’s one thing I’ve come to believe while doing events for my books, it’s that it doesn’t do to come between the art and the reader/viewer/listener. I’m more interested to hear your opinions on these tracks and what you think might be better choices. Please do leave a comment.
That said, let’s get down to it – in no order other than a track sequence that works for me…
> Now here’s 20 mins of the sound of Hell through the medium of bass saxophone and circular breathing
It was a tenor and you told me you enjoyed that recommendation
https://youtu.be/IPhHcp4KD7M By the way
Puns on first track above: check
Great companion piece to Colin Stetson’s Orthrus: check
And the first comment to Conic Sections made me actual lol: “Learning the saxophone is hard, I hope he keeps practicing”
It’s good to be back, again.
Anyway more seriously, if I had ‘3 songs of the year’ they would be
Change by Big Theif: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTIzsTv1ENY
Heaven: I. All Once etc… by Brad Mehldau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW52f-k4Hb4
Basinski / Schaefer, on reflection (whole album but here is part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzbJGxfBCI0