I’m tentatively exploring the idea of the Caledonian antisyzygy. Does The Sensational Alex Harvey Band provide the right soundtrack for this blog post? Read on!
The idea of the Caledonian antisyzygy emerged as a reaction to T.S. Eliot’s assertion that ––
that there is no value in Scottish provincial literature, noting an absence of coherence and an anchor in a single language.
Scots writers and academics subsequently argued that idea of dueling polarities within the Scottish psyche and literature – the Caledonian antisyzgy – is a positive characteristic of Scottish literature – and how could it not be, given creative tensions thrown up by the contrasts between the Highlands and the Lowlands, Protestantism and Catholicism, Britishness and Scottishness, and others?
I’m tempted to include gallusness vs. the Cringe, but the Dictionary of the Scots Language on what it means to be gallus (cf. II.1 and II.2) makes it clear that’s another 10,000-word essay!
Oh, yeah. Did I mention that I’ve got a new story out? And it’s just a few pages! The U.S. link for the ebooks and hard copies is here.
I would be happy to lock T.S. Eliot in a room and force him to listen to The Sensational Alex Harvey Band non-stop, until he takes back his ignorant comment about Scottish provincial literature. Between that, and a few Glaswegian kisses, he should come around soon enough.
My only exposure to Alex Harvey is indirectly through my favorite band of all time.
You may find this cover version to be tedious. I wouldn’t blame you. The cover of It’s All Too Much by The Church is much better.
The Church’s cover of It’s All Too Much by The Beatles is much better.