Tag Archives: Arab Strap

Eight Tracks V

Well, of course apoplectic.me is back for my favourite post of every year – a round-up of the best popular music tracks of 2021. I wonder if the list will reflect the nature of the year…?

When we thought 2020 was terrible? [John Oliver detonates a huge explosion of the number 2020]
Remember the good old days?

You know, my tracks of 2020 did tend towards the distressingly fey and shoegaze-y. Well, not this year. This year’s better. You can also check this new list out on Apple Music or Spotify.

[Check out the Apoplexy Tiny Letter for a bonus track.]

Continue reading Eight Tracks V
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The Wee Man objects to my musical taste. Fair enough. If your three-year-old is waxing lyrical about Arab Strap’s marvellous return, he’s got problems. But not as many as he’s got in store for you.

So, when I’m listening to 6Music/something from 1991/Britain’s slide into fascism*, the demands from the back seat begin.

“80s MUSIC!!!”

The Wee Man, 2021

[Check out the reliably disappointing Apoplexy Tiny Letter]

Continue reading Disappointment
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