Tag Archives: Fringe Festival

Powder Puff

We’re well into the second half of the 2016 Edinburgh Festival and Fringe. When apoplectic.me isn’t counting its existence in major international soccer tournaments, it’s counting it in Festivals (2013, 2014, 2015).

"Get the gimp"
2016: Mrs Stroke Bloke loves owls. In a very particular way.

The beginning of the Fringe is always a bit of a whirl. I’m doing reviews and interviews during preview week and the first week proper. For the second half of the month, it’s more a case of hanging on and getting through to the end.

[If you hang on and get to the end of this post, there’s the Apoplexy Tiny Letter, too.] Continue reading Powder Puff

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Last year’s Edinburgh Festival marked the beginning of our settling in to Auld Reekie. The passing of twelve months means that I’m beginning to sound more like a native at Festival time.

I wrote the above returning from an afternoon at Deborah Frances-White‘s Half A Can Of Worms.

A thing you can’t open…

[Sign up for more apoplexy here. It’s a chance to read some more personal thoughts and join the conversation. I’d love to hear from you.]

Continue reading Solitude

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