Eight Tracks IV

After I published the latest apoplectic.me post in August, Paul commented that

the new music in 2020 hasn’t caught my ear yet. Nothing like last years Jaime by Brittany Howard, which I loved. I also fear we are about to get some not very good quarantine inspired music coming our way.

Comments to Under Cover Under Wraps
Fetch The Bolt Cutters, indeed.
Paul’s made Fiona Apple sad. Bad Paul.

Amid the huge static roar of distraction that was 2020, perhaps it’s unsurprising that there’s something out of time about my Eight Tracks of the year.

Join me, won’t you, on a journey to a place that isn’t here in a time that isn’t now. It’s gotta be better than this, right? Or, just hit up the Spotify playlist.

[Check out the Apoplexy Tiny Letter for a bonus track.]

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Under Cover Under Wraps

Hi! How you doing? Hello…?

The day after England 1-2 Scotland 1977.

Cillian Murphy wanders the empty streets of London in the opening scenes of 28 Days Later
Damn. The Daleks really did a number on this dump.

I hope that your home-administered haircut has left you still looking as hot as horribly-coiffed Cillian Murphy in 28 Days Later.

Check the Apoplexy Tiny Letter to chart the effects of
a highly infectious, rage-inducing virus on the Celtic male

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With thanks and apologies to Long-Suffering-Reader-Of-The-Blog-Paul.

Long-suffering readers of the blog will know I’m a huge fan of nineties British indie music. So, I was thrilled when a hot, skinny boy who looks good in an Adidas tracksuit came onto the stage this week.

jk! It's Satan! | Senior aide to the prime minister, Dominic Cummings, at the Conservative Party Conference at the Manchester Convention Centre.
Damon Albarn, yesterday

(Dominic Cummings ft. Blur)

Continue reading PORK PIES!
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If you’ve been sitting at home for the past few weeks with the Netflix going, you may be aware that we’ve been living in a new Golden Age of Television for some time.

Are we also living in a new Golden Age of Sloganeering?

Dude. You're wearing that facemask all wrong | The bandaged traffic warden from 1984 BBC apocalyptic drama Threads

[Check out YOUR SUPER SOARAWAY Apoplexy Tiny Letter]

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Television/The Strokes

You know, I was just going to do one more post about COVID-19 and then move on. Something technical about its link to strokes.

Partly because, Do you want to read another hot take on the Coronavirus? Partly because I’m so angry about what’s going on, I figured if I did yet another one after a few more days had passed, I’d probably bust one of my brain aneurysms.

Then Boris Johnson did his thing on the telly.

[Usually I’d suggest that you check out the Apoplexy Tiny Letter for some light relief, but…]

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What’s Going On

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that

I’ve noticed a lot of writers on my social media talking about how hard it is to get any writing done, what with everything that’s going on…

I know, not the worst problem to have right now. Still, what is going on?

[There’s more anomie and bonhomie over in the Apoplexy Tiny Letter.]

Continue reading What’s Going On
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Killing Time

Do you remember early April? Were you there?

Cast your mind back – it was the days leading up to Easter, and nobody knew what was next for us all…

As will become clear over the coming days and weeks, the narrative is being established. If Johnson pulls through his mild persistent illness, it’s because he’s gutsier than you and anyone you’ve ever loved who has died…

Staying Alive – apoplectic.me, 8 April 2020

Well, guess what…?

Blockzilla. Y'know, from Numberblocks. The Wee Man's favourite show. Yep, pretty self indulgent.
He hath riseneth!

[You know, the apoplectic.me Tiny Letter probably makes more sense…]

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Staying Alive

Yeah, so…

Yeah, he's seen his future in Top Gear
I picked this gif because in the still image from right at the start of this loop, Joey looks terrified

I’ve noticed a lot of writers on my social media talking about how hard it is to get any writing done, what with everything that’s going on, and I thought that it might be an interesting exercise for me and for me – to examine how that’s working out here in this household. And see what insights that might provide me about how I’m doin.

But let’s quickly get all that out of the road —

[There’s more anomie and bonhomie over in the Apoplexy Tiny Letter.]

Continue reading Staying Alive
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Eight Tracks III

I’ve been seeing folks doing calls for – and offering up – playlists to offer some kind of respite from The Lockdown that’s gone into effect here in the nations of Britain and Northern Ireland. So, what better time to belatedly offer up some of my favourite tracks from the happy days of 2019?

Didn’t this jump the shark with your 2018 edition, Stroke Bloke?

As it happens, the apoplectic.me post of my favourite choons of 2018 began by noting that it was the death of David Bowie that had heralded planet Earth’s one-way trip to hell in a hand basket.

So, join me, won’t you, on a trip down memory lane to when things hadn’t yet gotten entirely out of hand? Or if you don’t like wurdz, just hit up the Spotify playlist.

[The Apoplexy Tiny Letter is coming out of hiatus, too. With a bonus track, no doubt.]

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An Imaginary Line

After the last two posts collectively regarding strokes, pigs, and sci-fi (Kicking A Dead Pig and Mind Reading), I recalled that I have a short short story of speculative fiction sitting in a metaphorical drawer about a man suffering quadriplegia, pigs, and sci-fi.

But Space Pig, it's the other way!
‘I must rush to check that out!’ – Doctor Who Space Pig

Now. You might think that all sounds a bit silly. And you might be right. But read on…

[And in the meantime, visit the Apoplexy Newsletter for a soundtrack to distract you.]

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